" The most creative act you will ever undertake is the act of creating yourself."

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Living Frugally

Today, I started out with making home made laundry detergent! Whew, my sinus' are on fire! It's supposed to calculate out to less than 1cent per load. That would save us a ton of money! I found the recipe on Pinterest. If you want to follow my pins http://pinterest.com/kabischof/. The recipe I used is from the blog frugally green http://frugallygreen.blogspot.com/2008/05/how-to-make-your-own-laundry-soap.html. I took some pics myself and added a few ideas and tips. I would be really interested in finding a recipe for natural home made laundry soap. We are a sensitive bunch here! It took longer than I expected to cook the ingredients. The concoction never got quite as thick as honey but it did thicken. It is now sealed and resting in the basement.

Mom and I started my freezer recipes to prepare for when I start the Cleveland Clinic Pain Rehabilitation Program. Also, a Pinterest idea! I refused to Pinterest for the longest time. Kind-of silly now to think about it! I'm always so worried about people's impressions and opinions of me. Who gives a hoot! I mean really!! I am who I am, absolutely no shame in that. I love my life and who I am and who I am developing into. Anyway, we got 3 recipes done and I will post them throughout the week. Sunday we are going to pound out a bunch more (fingers crossed). We had to wait on meat to thaw. My real hope is that our fridge doesn't decide to stop working again in the middle of the night. It is stuffed full and working harder than usual.

In conclusion, I am so happy I succumbed to the Pinterest Borg;-) Family came for a brief visit to drop off more of my mom's stuff. Our house is bursting at the seams! I was able to help out a friend's sister by sending back something they needed that we didn't anymore! Always feels good when at the end of the day you can say, yes I helped someone today!

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