" The most creative act you will ever undertake is the act of creating yourself."

Monday, September 24, 2012

Writer's Block or Not

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I'm avoiding writing and I am not sure why. I've thought about writing. I've even wrote posts in my head but when I finally get a chance to sit down I can't remember anything. I still do not feel well but mostly I am disheartened because I was hoping for a better response to my last post I Am Project. I read other blogs almost everyday time permitted. I almost always leave a comment. I am disappointed because those bloggy moms I admire, I asked them if they would participate and they didn't. I'm thinking to myself, "seriously". Why do I admire them? They are all about themselves and making a dollar on their blogs they can't take a minute to participate in my link up. I'm sure they'll say cut us a break we are busy. . . kids and stuff. . .I am busy! I have kids and stuff!

Maybe, I didn't explain how to do it well enough. It was quite simple. Search on google, pinterest or a search engine for affirmations for women. Copy the URL by right clicking on it. Paste it in the self explanatory fields at the bottom of the post. Piece of cake. 

Then, I thought maybe I'm just not interesting enough or my writing sucks but that doesn't explain why the same 50 people come every time I write a post to read it. Next, the weather changed and well, changed my mood even more.

I need to be thinking about Abigail's birthday this week but first I need to finish that costume. I wanted it mailed today but being sick threw me off! I had to enlist my mom to help sew but it has a little left(just a hem and an eye hook). Then ironing and pictures of Abi in it for the shop and for a portfolio.

Oh crap! The twins have OT at 10! No time left for bitchin' and wallowing in pity!!


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